Vintage Furniture Transformations

Reupholstering Reuses Chairs and Sofas Destined for Destruction

Lotus Bleu, San Francisco boutique upholstery shop transforms vintage mid-century furniture and designer chairs with contemporary fabrics. Many of the fabrics are high-end French linen and cotton prints. The refurbished furnishings are given a second life and saved from an unnecessary landfill burial.

Jeannie Fraise is the designer who shapes Lotus Bleu. She is particularly fond of French art and architecture, has traveled extensively, and enjoys fine textiles. This eclectic mix has an influence on every design project.

Furniture can be delivered locally and shipped nationally.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Furniture Design - Embrace reupholstering and vintage furniture to reduce resource consumption and minimize waste.
2. Custom Upholstery - Personalize furniture with unique fabric designs that reflect the customer's style and personality.
3. Eco-friendly Home Decor - Offer environmentally conscious home decor solutions to cater to consumers who prioritize eco-friendliness in their lifestyle.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Incorporating sustainable designs and utilizing recycled materials can revolutionize the furniture manufacturing industry, reducing resource consumption and waste generation.
2. Interior Design - Include sustainable furniture options in your designs to cater to conscientious clients looking for eco-friendly solutions.
3. Textile Industry - Partner with upholstery shops to provide sustainable textiles to the home decor industry and support the circular economy through upcycling.

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