Underwater Transcontinental Trains

This Underwater Train Proposal Connects China and the States

The idea of an underwater train has lived in the realm of science fiction for quite a while now. China is looking to change that with a proposal to create a deep sea train system that will connect China directly to the United States.

For those that don't know, China is very far from the USA. Now that this realization is out of the way we can understand why it's bizarre to think up an idea for an underwater train connecting two of the world's super powers. The idea, if it does come to fruition, would be a huge undertaking, but also an incredible achievement.

The even stranger part is that the railroad isn't a one-way. It would also make stops in Canada and Russia for those that wanted to travel there too.
Trend Themes
1. Underwater Transportation - Developing new and innovative forms of transportation beneath the oceans is an untapped opportunity for several industries.
2. Transcontinental Connectivity - Creating new cross-border transportation opportunities can greatly improve global trade and open up new markets.
3. Hyperloop Alternatives - Exploring alternative modes of transportation like underwater trains can inform future transportation innovations.
Industry Implications
1. Infrastructure - Designing and implementing the infrastructure necessary for a transcontinental underwater train system presents opportunities for construction and engineering industry advancements.
2. International Trade - Improved connectivity between countries and markets through such transportation systems could bolster and activate new forms of international trade.
3. Tourism - Providing a unique and exotic travel experience could open up new market opportunities for the tourism industry.

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