Shame-Inducing Shower Heads

The Uji Shower Head Ensures People Don't Waste Water

There are many ways in which people can be told not to waste water, but the Uji Shower Head could easily be one of the more effective approaches. It essentially shames people into taking shorter showers. By installing the Uji Shower Head in one's home, it will actively encourage people to be more aware of their water usage by turning different colors depending on how long they have been in the tub.

As Brett Andler states, "[The Uji Shower Head] encourages [people] to take shorter and more energy efficient showers. By letting people become aware of how long they're in the shower, we've actually been able to cut shower time by 12 percent." If that doesn't satisfy people, perhaps this stat will: Dvice reports that the shower head essentially pays for itself in seven months.
Trend Themes
1. Water Conservation Technology - Innovative products like the Uji Shower Head are encouraging consumers to be more mindful of water usage and actively reduce water consumption.
2. Behavior-shaping Products - The Uji Shower Head is an example of a product that uses design to nudge consumers towards more sustainable actions.
3. Smart Home Efficiency - The Uji Shower Head is part of a growing market for connected home devices that aim to streamline household operations and reduce resource waste.
Industry Implications
1. Home Appliances - The Uji Shower Head is an example of a product that addresses resource conservation in the home and presents a potential market opportunity for manufacturers of household appliances.
2. Home Construction - As demand grows for more sustainable homes and appliances, the Uji Shower Head presents an opportunity for builders and developers to incorporate water-saving technology into their designs.
3. Sustainability Consulting - The Uji Shower Head and other behavior-shaping products have the potential to drive demand for sustainability consulting services that help individuals and organizations optimize their use of resources.

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