Dumpster-Dwelling Experiments

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This Trashy Tiny Eco House Symbolizes Unsustainable Living

A professor in Texas is using Kickstarter to turn a Huston-Tillotson University dumpster into a tiny eco house. Four months ago environmental science professor Jeff Wilson gave up his house to live in a 30 square foot garbage bin. Appreciative of the symbolism, Wilson wanted his students to rethink the resources of typical American single-family homes. While dumpsters can be seen everywhere, people rarely think about the repercussions of waste not to mention the larger environmental impacts their other daily actions have.

By combining the concept of a home with a disgusting trash receptacle, Wilson is using this tiny eco house to teach lessons and make a fuss about the environment. The Dumpster Project will continue as Wilson and his students measure unsustainable practices through their radical design experiment.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Living - Turning dumpsters into tiny eco houses promotes sustainable living practices.
2. Environmental Consciousness - Using a trash receptacle as a home raises awareness about waste and its environmental impacts.
3. Alternative Housing Solutions - The dumpster-to-eco house project explores innovative ways to address the housing crisis and reduce resource consumption.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - The dumpster-to-eco house concept presents opportunities for the construction industry to develop sustainable building materials and techniques.
2. Education - Educational institutions can leverage the dumpster experiment to teach students about environmental sustainability and resource management.
3. Environmental Conservation - Organizations focused on environmental conservation can find inspiration from the dumpster project and develop initiatives to reduce waste and promote sustainable practices.

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