USB Knives

Swiss Army's ‘Swissbit' Comes with a 2 GB USB

Do you really use your Swiss Army knife? I doubt it. Maybe if it had a 2gb USB key...

"The specialists at Swissbit have once again proven that there is often far more to something than first meets the eye. The popular Swiss Army penknife, which some would say has attained almost cult status, is now available with USB stick in the rubyRED and retroALOX versions with a 2 GB storage capacity. This is in addition to the normal tools such as scissors, knife, nail file with screw driver and, in the rubyRED version, also LED light and ballpoint pen. For ease of handling and when traveling by air, the USB storage device can simply be detached." - SwissBit
Trend Themes
1. Multi-functional Tools - Combining traditional tool functionality with modern technology.
2. Usability-enhancing Gadgets - Innovative gadgets that improve or enable the accessibility or ease-of-use of a tool or item.
3. Convergence of Digital and Physical - Integrating digital and physical components for a more efficient and seamless user experience.
Industry Implications
1. Tools and Hardware - Innovative tools and hardware with modern functionality.
2. Consumer Electronics - Devices and accessories that merge digital and physical functionalities.
3. Travel and Tourism - Gadgets and tools that cater to travelers, commuters, and adventurers.

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