Panelized Feline Furniture

Squarely Enhanced Habitat for the Modernist Cat

Square Cat Habitat is based in Portland, Oregon and produces eco-friendly cat furniture to accent modern décor. Most products are made of sustainable bamboo plywood or regionally made, recycled fiber, formaldehyde free low-pressure laminate. The colorful carpet inserts are manufactured from low VOC renewable and recycled raw materials. Recycled packing material is used for shipping.

The cat furniture designs vary for use on the floor, wall-mounted, or as stand-alone pieces. One of the neat tricks used in this cat furniture is the ability to stash catnip behind the panel insert squares. It’s an effective lure to get cats to scratch where their owners want them to instead of shredding the sofa, door moldings, or chairs.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Pet Accessories - Square Cat Habitat's bamboo plywood and recycled fiber furniture highlights the consumer demand for sustainable pet products.
2. Smart Furniture Design - Square Cat Habitat's furniture line showcases innovative and functional cat furniture designs.
3. DIY Pet Furniture Kits - Square Cat Habitat's panelized furniture models provide a cost-effective and customizable solution for cat owners.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Supplies - The pet supplies industry can capitalize on Square Cat Habitat's eco-friendly and smart pet furniture designs to attract environmentally conscious consumers.
2. Sustainable Home Decor - Square Cat Habitat's furniture caters to the demand for sustainable and stylish home decor.
3. Furniture Manufacturing - Square Cat Habitat's panelized furniture models can inspire furniture manufacturers to create cost-effective and customizable furniture solutions for consumers.

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