Water-Generating Units

This Solar Water Generator from SunToWater Technologies is Eco Friendly

This eco friendly solar water generator pulls humidity from the air and turns it into pure, potable drinking water. Whether you want to ensure a drought does not affect your family's water supply at home or you are a business with commercial objectives, SunToWater Technologies Inc. has an environmentally sustainable solution.

Powered by the sun, the unit absorbs humid air and pushes it over a salt desiccant. Water is extracted and then remineralized in the device, so it can be piped into a home, water tank or garden. The solar water generator will work even in the most dry environments and arid climates, which also makes it perfect for upcoming dry spells during hot summer months in some parts of the country.
Trend Themes
1. Solar-powered Water Generators - Solar technology is disrupting the traditional methods of water supply—from drilling wells to tapping into municipal water systems.
2. Humidity-driven Water Generation - Innovators are exploring new ways of tapping into the previously ignored resource of atmospheric water vapor.
3. Sustainable Water Supply Solutions - Companies are investing in environmentally-friendly technologies to provide cost-effective water solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Renewable Energy - The solar industry can innovate by exploring water generation as a complementary product of its solar panels.
2. Agriculture - Water generated by these units can provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional irrigation systems.
3. Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management - Communities can prepare for natural disasters by installing water generators that can provide clean drinking water in emergency situations.

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