Timed Public Art

Citizens Smile for Google Satellite

Citizens of the Russian town of Chelyabinsk recently got together to make a giant smiley face. They timed it for when the Google satellite was set to pass by, so their smiley will appear on Google's satellite images.

How do you even find out satellite timetables? Whom do you need to speak with? I am desperate to know so I can do something similar; but being Cowbag, however, it's safe to say that my mass image will be a lot more messed up than this happy one.
Trend Themes
1. Citizen-led Public Art - Opportunity for businesses to collaborate with communities in creating impactful public art installations for exposure and engagement.
2. Social Media-driven Art Experiences - Businesses can leverage the power of social media to drive engagement and produce user-generated content through experiential art projects.
3. Satellite-guided Art Creation - Innovative businesses can explore the creative potential of satellite technology and partner with artists for unique and novel experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - Opportunity for marketing and advertising agencies to create campaigns that spotlight unique, user-generated public art installations.
2. Travel and Tourism - Businesses in the travel and tourism industry can serve as sponsors or collaborators on community art projects to promote destinations and experiences.
3. Technology - Opportunity for technology companies to develop innovative applications and tools that enable satellite-guided public art creation and community engagement.

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