Solar Flowerpots

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Bon Seop's Solar Planet Can Run Any Gadget

Solar Planet, designed by Bon Seop, is a flowerpot-shaped device that generates energy from the sunlight and transforms it into electric energy.

Solar Planet's cover contains can store and provide energy to the battery as needed. The flowerpot is powerful enough to run portable electric gadgets, laptops, audio players, mini video players etc. and it only takes few minutes to recharge the batteries of the device.

Implications - Environmentalism has been saturating media outlets causing consumers to adopt eco-friendly practices into their lifestyles. These consumers desire products and services that reduce their carbon footprints. Companies can cater to this green demographic by manufacturing products with positive environmental impacts and materials.
Trend Themes
1. Solar Flowerpots - The trend of using solar energy to power portable gadgets
2. Eco-friendly Technology - The trend of creating products with positive environmental impacts and materials
3. Miniature Solar Panels - The trend of incorporating small solar panels into everyday gadgets
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - There is an opportunity for companies to manufacture solar-powered gadgets such as portable speakers, headphones, and small appliances
2. Home and Garden - The trend of incorporating solar panels into everyday objects such as flowerpots creates an opportunity for companies to create more eco-friendly and energy-efficient outdoor products
3. Renewable Energy - Solar energy continues to grow in popularity and demand, creating a space for new innovations and advancements in renewable energy technology

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