Modular Solar Lights

The Adaptable SULI Portable Solar Lamp Attaches to 3D Printed Accessories

This portable solar lamp is an extremely modular device, not to mention eco friendly. Currently crowdfunding on Indiegogo, SULI is a lighting system that is designed to easily fit onto an unlimited amount of 3D printed accessories.

The SULI is charged by exposure to the sun; eight hours results in a full recharge. The portable solar lamp can cast light up to five meters away and will last for more than two days. The self-contained disc can fit onto everyday objects as well, including PET bottles, bicycle handlebars and windows. With a goal of democratizing solar power use, the SULI team have also launched a platform where users can create other cheap 3D printed products to share with others.
Trend Themes
1. Modular Solar Devices - Manufacturers can develop modular solar devices that easily attach to different accessories, offering versatility and eco-friendly lighting solutions.
2. Crowdfunding for Sustainable Innovation - The rise of crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo allows innovators to fund and bring to market sustainable products like the SULI portable solar lamp.
3. Democratizing Solar Power - The SULI team's platform enables users to create and share 3D printed products, democratizing access to solar-powered solutions and promoting sustainability.
Industry Implications
1. Solar Energy - The solar energy industry can explore opportunities to develop modular lighting devices that harness the power of the sun and integrate with various accessories.
2. 3D Printing - The 3D printing industry can collaborate with solar technology companies to create innovative accessories that seamlessly accommodate modular solar devices like the SULI portable lamp.
3. Sustainable Design - The field of sustainable design can benefit from the concept of democratizing solar power through 3D printed accessories and modular lighting solutions.

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