Pod-Inspired Apparel

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Cocoon Fashion Gives ‘Personal Space' a Whole New Meaning

The buffer zone is an invisible realm we have that, unless one is invited into, we do not want invaded or we get uncomfortable. We saw many pod and cocoon styles from the furniture industry, and now we’re seeing them on the runway. Trend de la Creme collected photos of some pod-inspired apparel from various fashion shows that give ‘personal space’ a whole new meaning.

You can go through a half-metamorphosis cycle on a daily basis this spring with a cocoon-style coat by either Shantanu and Nikhil or Liu Xing. The ‘Conehead’ attire comes by way of Hiroko Ito’s Spring 2009 collection. Indra Miklava and Andris Stamguts thought making the ‘invisible wall’ visible was a good way to prevent personal space invasion for Spring 2009. Sleeping bags that you wear may come in handy on a camping trip; they were created by Pierre Cardin for Spring 2009.

Aside from the two wearable sleeping bags, I don’t think most of the pod-fashions presented here are practical. Especially the ‘wall’ outfit -- it looks like it would obstruct vision too much.
Trend Themes
1. Pod-inspired Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Designing practical and stylish pod-inspired clothing that provides individuals with a sense of personal space.
2. Cocoon-style Apparel - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating comfortable and versatile cocoon-style clothing that allows individuals to experience a sense of security and cosiness in their everyday attire.
3. Wearable Sleeping Bags - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing wearable sleeping bags that combine fashion and functionality for outdoor activities.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrating pod-inspired designs into the fashion industry to create unique and boundary-pushing clothing options.
2. Outdoor Recreation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporating wearable sleeping bags into the outdoor recreation industry to offer convenient and comfortable camping gear.
3. Furniture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploring the crossover between the furniture and fashion industries by incorporating pod and cocoon designs into clothing and accessories.

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