Summer Blockbuster Statuses

The Orange 'This Summer' Movie-Style Voiceover Makes the Mundane Epic

I would like all the people who call Twitter useless to check out the Orange 'This Summer' movie-style voiceover program. U.K. cellphone company Orange has debuted a fun new application that converts statuses with the hash-tag "this summer" into movie-style voiceovers.

The voiceovers manage to turn mundane summer updates into epic faux movie trailer lead-ins. The person doing the voiceovers is good, and the application manages to pronounce most words right without sounding like a robot. The movie-style tweets can be shared with friends or saved so that you never forget how epic your summer of studying and drinking slurpees really was. The video here has all the info about the Orange 'This Summer' movie-style voiceover application. If this doesn't take over Twitter, I don't know what will.
Trend Themes
1. Movie-style Voiceover Applications - The Orange 'This Summer' application demonstrates the potential for transforming mundane updates into entertaining and engaging content through movie-style voiceovers.
2. Social Media Entertainment - The popularity of sharing movie-style tweets highlights the demand for entertaining and unique content on social media platforms.
3. Engaging User Experiences - The interactive and shareable nature of the Orange 'This Summer' application shows the potential for creating immersive and memorable experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Telecommunications - Cellphone companies can explore opportunities to enhance user experiences by offering voiceover applications and other entertaining features.
2. Entertainment - The success of the Orange 'This Summer' application demonstrates the potential for incorporating movie-style elements into social media platforms to entertain and engage users.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Advertisers can leverage movie-style voiceover applications to create unique and attention-grabbing content for social media campaigns.

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