Mutated Guitars

Axes with Multiple Necks

If it is good enough for a rock god then it is good enough for me: Mutated guitars are nothing short of brilliant and this gallery plays homage to them.

Jimmy Page has produced his own Signature Double Neck guitar and then there are these bad boy mutations, which include two-ended instruments as well as guitars that boast eight strings, 42 strings, four necks, two sound holes, and five necks.
Trend Themes
1. Multi-neck Guitars - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the production and customization of guitars with multiple necks for musicians seeking unique sounds and aesthetics.
2. Extended-string Guitars - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the production of guitars with a higher number of strings for musicians seeking to expand their creative possibilities.
3. Customized Instruments - Disruptive innovation opportunities in personalized guitar-making to cater to specific preferences and needs of individual clients.
Industry Implications
1. Music Instruments Manufacturing - Opportunities for music instrument manufacturing companies to incorporate innovative designs and features in their guitars.
2. Musical Performance & Entertainment - Opportunities for musicians to explore new soundscapes and performances with these innovative guitars.
3. Visual Arts & Design - Opportunities for designers to incorporate aesthetics and visual elements into guitar design.

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