Corrugated Workspaces

It Aint No Disco In A Cardboard Office, But it Certainly is Creative

Aint No Disco is a really interesting blog about creative office spaces. They have awesome ideas if you're lucky enough to be able to work in such a space, and enough to turn you green with envy if you don’t.

Unsurprisingly, it is the advertising offices which have the most creative spaces, although all of those featured on their site are pretty awesome. As a fellow ‘creative type,’ I find it really interesting to nose about and see where other people strut their stuff, as it were.

Leading the field is Nothing. Well it is something, an advertising agency called 'Nothing.' It made its offices entirely from cardboard, and the results are fantastic.
Trend Themes
1. Cardboard Offices - The use of cardboard as a sustainable and innovative material for designing workspaces.
2. Creative Workspaces - A trend towards more unusual and inspiring work environments to cater to creative professionals.
3. Sustainable Architecture - Designing workspaces using eco-friendly materials, such as cardboard, to reduce the carbon footprint of business operations.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Innovative architecture firms can explore sustainable and cheap alternatives to traditional office materials by adopting the use of cardboard.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers can cater towards a new generation of creative entrepreneurs by developing workspaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Advertising agencies, in particular, can benefit from creating unique and inspiring work environments to attract creative talent and spark innovation.

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