Glow-In-The-Dark Medical Gadgets

Transluminal Catheter

Dr. Farhad Imam, a neonatal intensivist at the Children's Hospital Boston, has learned from his medical experiences and improved upon a fairly simple procedure : the catheter. Hi-Tech meets tubing in this light-guided Transluminal Catheter. Originally designed with thin-skinned babies in mind, Dr. Imam broadened his thinking to include adults. Why? It would improve procedures in outpatient, wilderness, and military settings.

For those not aware, a catheter, according to Wikipedia, is, "A tube that can be inserted into a body cavity, duct or vessel. Catheters thereby allow drainage or injection of fluids or access by surgical instruments."
Trend Themes
1. Light-guided Medical Devices - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating more efficient and accurate medical procedures using light-guided technology.
2. Portable Medical Devices - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating catheters that can be used in outpatient, wilderness and military settings.
3. Medical Devices for Neonatal Care - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating medical devices that cater to the specific needs of neonatal care.
Industry Implications
1. Medical Technology - Manufacturers and innovators in the medical technology industry can develop light-guided medical devices, portable medical devices and neonatal care devices.
2. Military Technology - Military technology companies can develop portable medical devices catering to the needs of military personnel in the field.
3. Outdoor and Adventure Gear - Manufacturers and innovators in the outdoor and adventure gear industry can develop portable medical devices catering to the needs of outdoors enthusiasts, hikers, trekkers, and mountaineers.

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