Grocery Sustainability Ratings

Färmoscope Rates Food Items for Sustainability Based on 11 Factors

To help consumers pick sustainable food choices, the Belgian-based organic supermarket Färmoscope launched a new sustainability grade program based on 11 factors.

These factors include where the product is organic, if the brand is not listed on a stock exchange, if the company is based in Belgian, if the item was produced or processed in Belgium, if at least 80% of the ingredients are Belgian, if the country of origin is listed for each ingredient, if the manufacturer owns the brand, if the product is fairtrade or carbon neutral, if the product is low in resource consumption, if the product is packaged in almost all paper or in a container with a refundable deposit, and lastly, if the item is not packaged. ⁠
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Food Choices - Businesses can launch sustainability rating programs to help consumers make informed choices about the environmental impact of their purchases.
2. Localized Food Production - Localized food production is an opportunity that can reduce resource consumption and promote local economic growth while prioritizing sustainability.
3. Packaging Alternatives - Developing packaging alternatives that prioritize sustainability like paper or refundable deposit containers can be game changers in reducing the impact of packaging on the environment.
Industry Implications
1. Supermarkets and Grocery Stores - Supermarkets and Grocery Stores can incorporate sustainability rating programs into their offerings to aid consumers in making eco-friendly choices.
2. Food Production and Processing - Food production and processing companies can prioritize localized sourcing, fairtrade and carbon neutral production, and low resource consumption while finding new ways to reduce waste at every step.
3. Packaging and Materials - Packaging and materials companies can focus on developing sustainable alternatives, such as paper or refundable deposit containers, to better serve environmentally-conscious consumers.

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