Doubly Designed Drawers

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These Redone Discarded Drawer Dressers are Eco-Fabulous

These Discarded Drawer Dressers from Entwurf-Direkt are beautiful and eco-friendly. The company has taken old dresser drawers that people have thrown out, and recreated a brand new design of a fabulous drawer set.

The German studio decided to use the old drawers in a new and innovative way because "drawers stand out for their attractive crafstmanship or else for their being slightly bizarre or telling us a story or two, reflecting life in all its facets." The Discarded Drawer Dressers are beautiful in their own way.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycled Furniture - The trend of repurposing discarded items into new and innovative furniture designs.
2. Sustainable Design - The trend of creating products that are environmentally friendly and reduce waste.
3. Storytelling Furniture - The trend of incorporating narratives and personal stories into furniture design.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - The industry of creating innovative and aesthetically pleasing furniture.
2. Sustainability - The industry focused on developing environmentally friendly products and practices.
3. Upcycling - The industry that specializes in repurposing discarded items into new products.

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