Environmental Policy Apps

The UNFCCC Developed an App Specifically for COP21 News in Paris

In order to help those interested in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change keep abreast with environmental policy updates, the UNFCCC created an app specifically for COP21 news. The Negotiator app gives people an easy way to stay informed plus enables virtual participation in UNFCCC events.

The hub is an easy place to find news, alerts, schedules, documents, social media and logistics. This will specifically appeal to those interested in the policy side of climate change.

While this app was developed specifically for COP21 news and the goings-on of the climate summit that recently occurred in paris, the app could easily be used for future conventions and other updates the secretariat chooses to send out to the public.
Trend Themes
1. Environmental Policy Apps - With the rise in climate change efforts, creating policy apps can help keep people informed and incentivized in making eco-friendly decisions.
2. Virtual Events - Apps that allow virtual participation in policy events could revolutionize the way people engage with important issues and decisions.
3. Climate Change Policy Development - There is an opportunity for app developers to expand their focus towards developing tools that help analyze, organize and communicate climate change policies effectively.
Industry Implications
1. Environmental Ngos - Environmental NGOs can incorporate policy apps into their strategies, helping them reach more people, increase awareness and influence policy decisions.
2. Event Tech - Event tech companies can expand their offering by creating virtual event platforms for policy summits and conferences.
3. Government Tech - Governments can develop similar apps to keep their citizens informed and involved in policy-making decisions in an easier, more interactive way.

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