Company-Wide Climate Change Protests

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Lush Cosmetics Joins Greta Thunberg To Protest Climate Change

In the wake of the climate change crisis, many brands have opted to create sustainable and upcycled products to appeal to conscious consumers, however, one brand has set itself apart from the rest with a climate change protest. Lush Cosmetics recently announced that on September 20 in the U.S. and September 27 in Canada, the brand will close down all 250 of its locations, headquarters, manufacturing facilities, and e-commerce to rally for change.

The climate change protest is linked with Greta Thunderg, a 16-year-old environmental activist who coined the term #FridaysForFuture, a movement that encourages all citizens to peacefully protest against climate change. Lush Cosmetics is also encouraging its employees and followers to take to the streets to join the campaign and to help spread the message. "As a business with deep roots in environmental activism, giving our thousands of staff the time to get out there and demand bold action is a no brainer," Mark Wolverton, President and CEO of Lush North America said in a statement.

Brands like Lush Cosmetics, that align themselves with important consumer values will connect with consumers on a deeper level and gain more consumer loyalty.
Trend Themes
1. Brands Join Climate Change Protests - Brands aligning with social and climate movements will resonate with consumers, and create an opportunity for disruptive innovation in brand messaging and corporate social responsibility.
2. Social Activism in Business - More brands may opt to take a stance on political and social issues, opening up new possibilities for forward-thinking companies with disruptive social and environmental innovations.
3. Employee Activism in Business - Employee activism, such as Lush Cosmetics' rally for change, could spark a trend in companies creating opportunities for employees to make a positive impact on the world beyond their job.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetics - Opportunity to disrupt the cosmetics industry by creating sustainable and environment-friendly products and taking a stance on environmental issues.
2. Retail - Retailers can gain consumer loyalty and differentiate themselves by focusing on corporate social responsibility and aligning with environmental and social issues.
3. Tech - Tech companies could disrupt the industry by developing innovative solutions that mitigate climate change and help consumers live more sustainably.

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