Zodiac Fortune Websites

'Happy Year of' is a Celebratory Chinese New Year Website

'Happy Year Of' is a celebratory Chinese New Year website. It is a collaboration between KNOCK/TREAT & COMPANY/NEIGHBOR, based in Minneapolis, MN.

The website lets the visitors create or get fortunes on categories varying from money, sex, friendship and happiness. The fortunes are presented through snake, in reference to the zodiac year of the snake in a fun and comical voice.

"We embraced the Year of the Snake and updated the traditions for design-savvy seekers everywhere. Our fortune-telling reptile dispenses your personalized fortune via video. Old-schoolers can print our serpentine-inspired cootie catcher," explain the creators.

The creative collaborators have gone further in their project and dropped red envelopes with dollar coins in New York City, San Fracisco, Los Angeles and Minneapolis to increase awareness and good fortune.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Fortune-telling - Creating online platforms that provide personalized fortunes in a fun and comical way.
2. Collaborative Celebrations - Collaborating with different creative partners to design celebratory websites for special occasions.
3. Traditional Customs Redesigned - Updating traditional customs for design-savvy individuals and incorporating modern technology.
Industry Implications
1. Web Development - Developing interactive websites that offer personalized fortune-telling experiences.
2. Event Planning - Working with creative collaborators to design and execute collaborative celebratory events.
3. Design Consulting - Providing expertise and creative input to update traditional customs for a modern audience.

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