Skin Condition Model Contestants

ANTM's Chantelle Brown-Young Shows Changing Face of Beauty

The fashion and modelling industry has been embracing different definitions of beauty over the last couple of years and Chantelle Brown-Young is a testament to that. One of the contestants in the latest instalment of America's Next Top Model, she suffers from a rare condition known as vitiligo that causes depigmentation of parts of the skin. Michael Jackson was diagnosed with this condition, hence his gradual albeit dramatic skin color change.

Chantelle Brown-Young embraces her condition, saying, "A lot of people have a story and background, but mine is painted on my body." Although teased and tormented as a child, 19-year-old Chantelle Brown-Young shows the world what it means to be bold and beautiful in a unique way.
Trend Themes
1. Inclusive Beauty - The fashion and modeling industry is embracing different definitions of beauty, and individuals with unique physical traits are gaining recognition and representation.
2. Body Positivity - Models like Chantelle Brown-Young are challenging traditional beauty standards and promoting self-acceptance and confidence in one's own skin.
3. Celebrating Differences - There is a growing movement to celebrate and normalize physical conditions like vitiligo, showcasing the beauty in diversity.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion & Modeling - The fashion and modeling industry has the opportunity to lead the way in embracing diversity and breaking traditional beauty norms.
2. Cosmetics - Cosmetic companies can cater to a wider range of consumers by developing products that celebrate and enhance unique physical traits.
3. Entertainment & Media - Film, television, and media companies can support and promote diversity by featuring individuals with rare conditions and showcasing their unique stories.

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