Upcycled Store Interiors

This Quirky Shoe Store Features Shelves Made from Car Windshields

Dutch design firm 'Superuse Studio' used recycled car windshields to create shelves for a local shoe store. While many companies repurpose old car parts for new uses, these pieces are rarely used for interior design. Superuse Studio helps breathe new life into old car parts by using them to create a clever retail display.

In order to create a visually stunning display, Superuse Studio collected 350 car windshields and several pieces of reclaimed wood. The windshields were used to provide shelving for shoe boxes while the wood was used to create a unique seating area. The designers mimicked the curved structure of the windshield in the arrangement of the store itself. As a result, the recycled windshield display wraps around the customers and highlights the wooden couches in the center.

The project demonstrates that contrasting materials such as reclaimed wood and recycled glass can be used to create stunning interior designs.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycled Retail Displays - Dutch design firm Superuse Studio's use of recycled car windshields to make shelves for a shoe store suggests the potential for incorporating upcycled materials into store displays.
2. Contrasting Material Combinations - The combination of reclaimed wood and recycled glass in Superuse Studio's shoe store could inspire other designers to experiment with contrasting materials in their own interior design projects.
3. Curvilinear Structures - Superuse Studio's use of the curved structure of the windshield in the arrangement of the shoe store interior highlights the potential of curvilinear structures in interior design.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - The incorporation of upcycled materials into retail store design could help companies appeal to eco-conscious customers while also creating visually stunning displays.
2. Interior Design - Superuse Studio's use of recycled car windshields and reclaimed wood in a shoe store interior design could inspire other interior designers to experiment with unconventional materials in their own projects.
3. Automotive - The use of recycled car windshields in a shoe store interior design could indicate a wider trend of repurposing automotive parts for uses beyond their original function.

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