DIY Breast Examin Tools

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The Breastlight Offers Enlightened at Home Checking

Breast exams are something that women should be doing regularly at home to help detect any changes in their breasts early. However, even if they are done regularly, many women are unsure if they are carrying out these self-examinations effectively.

To help make DIY home breast checks more accurate, the Breastlight is a new product that works by shining a bright red light through the breast tissue to detect any dark clusters where excess blood is present. As malignant lumps have an increased blood supply to them, any dense areas may indicate an abnormality that should be checked by a doctor.

The Breastlight retails for around $114 and may be an especially useful tool for women who have a family history of breast cancer.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Medical Devices - Opportunity to develop affordable medical tools that consumers can use at home.
2. Personal Health Monitoring - Technology can empower individuals to take control of their health with easy-to-use gadgets.
3. Smart Health Devices - Developing health devices that utilize AI and machine learning to help improve at-home health diagnoses.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Innovative personal health devices and at-home examinations can improve accessibility and affordability of healthcare.
2. Medical Technology - Opportunity to create affordable and efficient medical devices for consumers to monitor personal health.
3. Consumer Electronics - Create consumer technology that can support personal health monitoring and early detection of illnesses.

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