Eco Portable Eskies

The BioCooler Would Be Easy to Carry and Have a Low Impact on the Environment

The BioCooler was developed to improve upon the big and bulky food and drink chillers that are currently on the market, and ones that come at a great environmental cost to produce. Talia Brigneti strove to create an alternative that is compact, practical and eco-friendly through thoughtful research and clever composition.

The designer decided on the form of a rounded triangular prism for the case that's capable of holding 12 cans of beer. They stack tightly together and do not require ice to stay cold. The insulating materials of natural fiber composites, fungus and cellulose keep the contents protected and chilly, and the BioCooler ends up lightweight and comfortable to tote, especially with the addition of backpack straps.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Portable Cooling - Disruptive innovation opportunity for the outdoor and camping industry by creating portable cooling units that have a low environmental impact.
2. Sustainable Insulating Materials - Disruptive innovation opportunity for the packaging industry by creating insulating materials made of natural fibers, fungi, and cellulose that are eco-friendly and effective.
3. Compact and Lightweight Packaging - Disruptive innovation opportunity for the beverage industry by creating compact and lightweight packaging solutions that do not require ice to stay cold and have a lower environmental impact.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor and Camping - The BioCooler presents an innovative opportunity for outdoor and camping companies to provide customers with eco-friendly and portable cooling solutions.
2. Packaging - The use of natural fiber composites, fungus, and cellulose as insulating materials in the BioCooler presents an innovative opportunity for the packaging industry to create more sustainable and effective insulation solutions.
3. Beverage - The BioCooler presents an innovative opportunity for the beverage industry to create compact and lightweight packaging solutions that do not require ice to be kept cold, resulting in a lower environmental impact.

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