Stimulating Household Products

The Appreciate Me Line Challenges the Perception of Ordinary Items

It is not enough to simply release a product anymore, instead items like those in the Appreciate Me collection are necessary to engage its potential owners. Due to the access and availability of certain types of technology, many have grown accustomed to the need to be stimulated at all times. The Appreciate Me household collection does just that through the use of unexpected materials and functions.

Created by Jessica Treslove, a MDes Product Design graduate from Sheffield Hallam University, the Appreciate Me line challenges the users perception of ordinary items by encouraging interaction between them and the product.

The Appreciate Me collection is comprised of three items: an alarm clock, toothbrush and desk lamp. The toothbrush, for instance, is made out of bamboo and a removable silicone head that encourages product longevity as well as a unique ergonomic texture.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Home Products - Designing household products that challenge the user's relationship with ordinary objects through interactive features.
2. Sustainable Materials - Incorporating sustainable materials, such as bamboo, into household products to encourage product longevity and reduce environmental impact.
3. Multi-functional Items - Creating household items with unexpected functions and uses, combining convenience and stimulation for the user.
Industry Implications
1. Product Design - There is an opportunity for designers to create products that are not only functional but also interactive and engaging for the consumer.
2. Sustainable Manufacturing - Manufacturers could adopt sustainable materials through their production processes to reduce environmental impact while offering unique and interactive household products.
3. Smart Home Technology - The incorporation of smart technology into household items can create products that are both functional and interactive, giving consumers a heightened experience and connection to their household items.

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