Wristworn Ant Farms

The Ant Watch Creates a Small Ecosystem for You to Flaunt on Your Arm

You can't tell the time from this wacky Ant Watch, but the hour won't seem so relevant when you're observing the wonderful world of insects. The captivating workings of nature are all around us, but it's products like this one that really encourage you to stop and consider it.

Made by the Analog Watch Co., this ant farm watch is made from a plant-based plastic that's 100% biodegradable. Along with the customer's choice of a green or black model, he's sent a kit for the maintenance of the tiny terrarium and the care of the busy bugs that live inside. The user is shipped live ants every four months, which is the life expectancy of the critters under these unusual conditions. Nesting sand and sugary water for food come with tweezers and a dropper to keep the wristband inhabitants healthy.
Trend Themes
1. Ecosystem Jewelry - Designing jewelry that incorporates living ecosystems opens up opportunities for unique and interactive accessories.
2. Biodegradable Wearables - Creating wearables using plant-based biodegradable materials presents sustainable alternatives in the fashion industry.
3. Nature-inspired Products - Developing products that allow users to connect with and appreciate the natural world highlights opportunities for innovative and immersive experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Accessories - Integrating living ecosystems into fashion accessories creates a niche market for unique and eco-friendly products.
2. Sustainable Materials - Utilizing biodegradable plant-based materials in the production of wearables drives innovation in sustainable material development.
3. Eco-tourism - Creating nature-inspired products that encourage interaction with insects and ecosystems can enhance the eco-tourism industry by offering immersive experiences.

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