Bad Insect-Eating Bugs

This Alternative Pest Control Method Actually Uses Other Insects

Ladybugs eat aphids, mealy bugs, scale, leaf hoppers, various plant-eating worms and other destructive pests, which makes them a great chemical-free alternative pest control method. It's not always easy to attract these little garden-protectors, so buy a swarm instead.

Orcon, a company providing natural solutions to pest problems, offers packages of 1,500 lady bugs. Ladybugs don't fly at night, so release this swarm of pest-killers in your garden at sundown and witness the magic. Each ladybug is capable of scarfing down up to 50 aphids a day. The ladybugs will lay eggs in your garden as well, so if any new pests try to take back the garden, a fresh force of your tiny warriors will be there to back you up.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Pest Control Methods - Opportunity to develop eco-friendly approaches to pest control that rely on natural predators like ladybugs.
2. Biological Pest Control - Opportunity to develop and market products that use living organisms such as beneficial insects for pest control.
3. Integrated Pest Management - Opportunity to develop a holistic pest management approach that incorporates multiple strategies like crop rotation, natural predators, and physical barriers.
Industry Implications
1. Agriculture - Agriculture companies can use biological pest control methods to reduce the use of harmful pesticides impacting farmers, consumers, and the environment.
2. Gardening/landscaping - Opportunity to develop products and services that promote natural pest control options to gardeners and landscapers.
3. Environmental Consulting - Environmental consulting firms can promote integrated pest management programs to reduce the use of harmful chemicals.

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