Odd Oil Artworks

Alex Gross Creates Surreal Retro Japanese Oil Paintings

American artist Alex Gross takes inspiration from various aspects around him and combines with his surreal imagination to create these one-of-a-kind art pieces.

Alex Gross collaborates a mixture of retro Japanese, consumer culture icons and Victorian imagery in his shocking and riveting group of paintings.

View the gallery to see the work by Alex Gross that may leave you quite speechless.

Implications - The featured artworks reveal to businesses that absurdity is extremely popular among younger generations. Many enjoy the oddities of the surreal world because they are a mix of both fact and fantasy. Bizarre images are a sure-fire way to grasp any consumer's attention.
Trend Themes
1. Surreal Art - There is a trend towards surreal art that combines diverse and unexpected elements to create unique and thought-provoking pieces.
2. Retro Japanese Influence - There is a trend towards incorporating retro Japanese cultural elements into art and design to create a nostalgic and visually appealing aesthetic.
3. Consumer Culture Icons - There is a trend towards using consumer culture icons in art in order to comment on the influence of corporations and advertising on society.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can incorporate the trend of surreal art to appeal to younger generations and create memorable and unique pieces.
2. Design - The design industry can incorporate the trend of retro Japanese influence to create visually appealing products and experiences that evoke nostalgia and familiarity.
3. Advertising - The advertising industry can incorporate the trend of using consumer culture icons to create effective and thought-provoking campaigns that comment on the influence of corporations on society.

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