Urine-Recycling Plants

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The Advanced Water Purification Center Makes Sewage Water Drinkable

The Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center is a high-tech water purification plant that is embracing the the 'toilet to tap' model by recycling waste water to make it totally clean and usable. The $72 million facility uses a multi-step process comprising microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet rays to produce water that is even cleaner than regular drinking water.

The plant produces 8 million gallons of water a day, with the system being used to re-treat water from less advanced recycling systems before blending it with water recycled using the Advanced Water Purification Center's own technology.

Water being produced is being used to irrigate crops and water parks, lawns and golf courses. It is also being used to cool buildings and data centers. The plan is to get the water flowing through people's taps by 2025.
Trend Themes
1. Water Recycling - The trend of water recycling is on the rise, creating opportunities for businesses to develop advanced purification technologies.
2. Sustainable Water Management - The adoption of sustainable water management practices is a growing trend, opening doors for businesses to offer innovative solutions for water conservation and reuse.
3. Advanced Purification Technologies - The demand for advanced water purification technologies is increasing, providing opportunities for companies to develop disruptive innovations in the field.
Industry Implications
1. Water Treatment - The water treatment industry can leverage the trend of water recycling to develop new processes and technologies for efficient and sustainable water purification.
2. Agriculture - The agriculture industry can benefit from the trend of water recycling by implementing advanced irrigation systems that use recycled water, promoting water conservation and reducing reliance on traditional sources.
3. Green Building - The green building industry can seize the opportunity of sustainable water management by integrating innovative water-saving technologies and systems into their designs, creating more eco-friendly and efficient structures.

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