The Work of Julian Callos Uses Ominous Old-School Fairytale Themes
Katherinev123 — October 8, 2009 — Pop Culture
References: juliancallos.tumblr & lifelounge
Most of us only know the Disney versions of fairytales—at least that’s what I refer to when I think of Snow White, Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. Julian Callos, however, sees the fairytales that preceded Disney, the ones that Disney softened and made cute in order to appeal to children.
The artwork of Julian Callos revolves around fairytale themes of princesses and animals, but takes on a decidedly morbid spin with dead motifs, skulls, and an overall goulish essence. Click through the gallery to see more of Julian Callos’ morbid work.
The artwork of Julian Callos revolves around fairytale themes of princesses and animals, but takes on a decidedly morbid spin with dead motifs, skulls, and an overall goulish essence. Click through the gallery to see more of Julian Callos’ morbid work.
Trend Themes
1. Dark Fairytales - Exploring the sinister side of traditional fairytale themes, creating a new genre of dark fantasy art.
2. Gothic Art - Incorporating macabre elements like skulls and dead motifs into fantasy artwork, reinventing the gothic art style.
3. Morbid Fantasy - Creating a subversive twist on fantasy art by infusing eerie elements and gloomy aesthetics into traditional fairytale themes.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - Opportunity for artists to venture into a new niche market of dark fantasy art, catering to audiences with a taste for the macabre.
2. Graphic Design - Gives graphic designers a chance to develop unique visuals for book covers, album art, and merchandise, appealing to fans of dark fantasy and gothic culture.
3. Publishing - Opens up opportunities for authors and publishers to create dark fantasy novels or graphic novels, targeting readers who appreciate the blending of horror and fairytale elements.